Rumah Makan & Catering, Masakan Sunda & Jawa

our favorite Pondok Makan Mirah Jl. Tebet Barat 9 No. 35, Telp. 8356642, Website click here. Ikan Bawal Bakar Bumbu Kuning, Ayam Goreng, Gurame Bakar, Cumi Goreng, Sayur Asem etc.
my favorite Soto Ayam AMBENGAN Jl. Dr. Soepomo SH No. 50, Tebet Barat, Tel. 83701745. Sedia Ayam Kremes, Soto Ayam Istimewa Ampela, Soto Ayam + Brutu, Soto Ayam + Kulit,Soto Ayam + Brutu Rongkong, Soto Ayam Jerohan Kulit, Tahu Gunting, Tahu Telor, Rujak Cingur, Nasi Pecel, Rawon, Sate Ayam, Sate Kambing etc. Website click here.
Dapur Sunda Kami menyajikan suasana/nuansa yang berbeda saat anda memasuki dapur sunda, anda akan di sambut dengan alunana kecapi suling, gemercik air sehingga terasa tercipta suatu suasana alam parahiuyangan yang asri dan seolah – olah anda berada di tatar sunda. Cuisine: Indonesian. Address: Kawasan Hanggar Teras M.B.A.U Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 72 Pancoran Jakarta Selatan, Tel. (62-21) 7919 6658-59 Fax. (62-21) 7919 6662 Contact Website Source Direction Guide: Near Aldiron Opening Time: 10 AM – 10 PM (everyday) Special Recommended Menu: Sop Gurame, Ayam Grepek, Tumis Lember, Gurame Garang Asam, Tumis Gurame, Tumis Toge Jambal, Gurame Bakar Cobek, Es Goyobod, Es Kopi Si Iteung.
RESTO Sea Food & Ayam Bakar SUNDA - Cianjur 21, Terjangkau dan Bermutu, Jl. Supomo, Tebet, Tel. 8313333. Ayam Bakar, Nila Bakar, Nila Goreng, Ikan Mas Goreng, Nasi Timbel, Sate Udang, Kerang Sate, Pecel Lele, Sambal Belacan, Sambal dadak, Sayur Asem, Tumis Pucuk Labu, Tumis Kangkung, Tumis Labu Baby, Buncis Baby, Karedok, Jantung Pisang Rebus etc.
our neigbor Mayo Resto Jl. Tebet Barat Raya No. 24, Telp. 83704921,Website click here. Gule Kambing, Tongseng Kambing, Rawon, Sup Iga Sapi, Ayam Goreng, Pecel, Aneka Coffee etc.
Warung Jawa Timur OJO LALI Jl Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No. 9/Kav.81 Jakarta 12820, Tel 83706139.
Tahu Campur, Soto Ayam Lamongan, Rawon, Tahu Tek Tek, Tahu Telor, Rujak Cingur@Tebet Barat, Nasi Goreng, Pecel Ayam, Pecel Lele, Pecel Kediri, Iga Penyet etc.

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Warung Makan Solo SIDOMAMPIR, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No 112B, Pak Min HP 08164808857, 081310379457. Menerima Pesanan Untuk Berbagai Acara. Sate Kambing, Sate Ayam, Sate Ati, Sate Sapi, Gule, Sop Kambing, Nasi Goreng Ayam, Nasi Goreng Kambing etc.
Rumah Makan SOTO KUDUS BLOK M, Jl. Tebet Raya No. 10, Tel. 8303491. Soto Kudus, Nasi soto, Nasi Pindang, Paru Goreng, Daging, Limpa, Babat, Otak Goreng Telur, Ati Ampla, Perkedel, Bakwan, Sate, Tahu, Tempe, Lumpia etc.
Kantin IBU TRI, Pasar Tebet Barat Blok D, Telp. 8312031, 8356645, HP 08164814514. Menerima Pesanan Aneka Kue Basah/Kering dan Kue Ulang Tahun, Aneka Juice, Lapis Surabaya, Bika Ambon, Lapis Legit, Bolu Marmer, Bolu Shifon, Brownies, Splek Coock, S. Sankis, Pastel, Risol, Jajan Pasar, Sosis Solo, Kroket, Lumpia etc.
our favorite Pondok Makan Mirah Jl. Tebet Barat 9 No. 35, Telp. 8356642, Website click here. Ikan Bawal Bakar Bumbu Kuning, Ayam Goreng, Gurame Bakar, Cumi Goreng etc.
Mayo Resto Jl. Tebet Barat Raya No. 24, Telp. 83704921,Website click here. Gule Kambing, Tongseng Kambing, Rawon, Sup Iga Sapi, Ayam Goreng, Pecel, Aneka Coffee etc.
Dapur Sunda Kami menyajikan suasana/nuansa yang berbeda saat anda memasuki dapur sunda, anda akan di sambut dengan alunana kecapi suling, gemercik air sehingga terasa tercipta suatu suasana alam parahiuyangan yang asri dan seolah – olah anda berada di tatar sunda. Cuisine: Indonesian.
Address: Kawasan Hanggar Teras M.B.A.U Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 72 Pancoran Jakarta Selatan, Tel. (62-21) 7919 6658-59 Fax. (62-21) 7919 6662 Contact Website Source Direction Guide: Near Aldiron Opening Time: 10 AM – 10 PM (everyday) Special Recommended Menu: Sop Gurame, Ayam Grepek, Tumis Lember, Gurame Garang Asam, Tumis Gurame, Tumis Toge Jambal, Gurame Bakar Cobek, Es Goyobod, Es Kopi Si Iteung.
RESTO Sea Food & Ayam Bakar SUNDA - Cianjur 21, Terjangkau dan Bermutu, Jl. Supomo, Tebet, Tel. 8313333. Ayam Bakar, Nila Bakar, Nila Goreng, Ikan Mas Goreng, Nasi Timbel, Sate Udang, Kerang Sate, Pecel Lele, Sambal Belacan, Sambal dadak, Sayur Asem, Tumis Pucuk Labu, Tumis Kangkung, Tumis Labu Baby, Buncis Baby, Karedok, Jantung Pisang Rebus etc.

Restoran Sunda Pajajaran
Khas Ayam Goreng, Alami Bumbunya, TANPA Penyedap Rasa
Kini Hadir Dekat Anda, Jl. KH. Abdullah Syafi'i No. 42, Tebet (100 meter dari Terminak Kampung Melayu) Tel. 021-8291122
Menerima Pesanan Paket Nasi Box dan Nasi Timbel

Rujak Cingur Recipe
Written by admin on July 6th, 2010

Rujak Cingur is special food that is from East Java, Indonesia. Rujak Cingur recipe is a combination of several kinds of vegetables, and cingur is a cow’s nose cartilage. These ingredients are mixed with some fruit that is still half-baked, and added with some cayenne pepper. It would seem like sour and spicy. This food is perfect eaten with crackers. How to cook it quite easy. Here are recipes and cooking methods rujak cingur.


50 grams of spinach that had been cleaned
50 grams of bean sprouts
75 grams of winged bean (halved lengthwise)
75 grams cucumber
100 grams of yam
50 grams of young mango
75 gram of fried tempeh
100 grams of fried tofu
250 grams cingur (nasal cartilage cow), boiled.

Seasonings of Rujak:

6-9 pieces chili pepper or to taste
2 tablespoons peanut fried
200 grams shrimp paste
1-3 teaspoons of roasted shrimp paste
1 banana grated coarse stone
1 teaspoon tamarind
50 cc of boiled water


Boil water spinach, bean sprouts and winged bean until cooked, remove from heat.
Diced cucumber, yam, young mango, fried tempeh, fried tofu and cingur, set aside.
Create a rujak seasoning paste: Grind chillies, shrimp paste, fried peanuts, and paste until well blended. Enter the grated banana rock, acid and water, cooked, puree again.
How to serve: Mix the salad seasoning paste with boiled vegetables, fruit, fried tempeh, tofu and cingur. Stir until smooth. Serve with rice rice cake, and crackers.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A restaurant is a retail establishment that serves prepared food to customers. Service is generally for eating on premises, though the term has been used to describe take-out establishments and food delivery services. The term covers many types of venues and a diversity of styles of cuisine and service.

A restaurant owner is called a restaurateur; both words derive from the French verb restaurer, meaning to restore

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Catering is the business of providing foodservice at a remote site.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sundanese are an ethnic group native to the western part of the Indonesian island of Java. They number approximately 31 million. The Sundanese are predominantly Muslim.

The Sundanese have traditionally been concentrated in the provinces of West Java, Banten and Jakarta, and the western part of Central Java. (The provinces of Central Java and East Java are home to the Javanese, Indonesia's first largest ethnic group).

Sundanese culture has borrowed much from Javanese culture, however it differs by being more overtly Islamic, and has a much less rigid system of social hierarchy.

Origins and history

The Sundanese are of Austronesian origins who are thought to have originated in Taiwan, migrated though the Philippines, and reached Java between 1,500BCE and 1,000BCE.

According to the Sundanese legend of Sangkuriang, which tells the creation of Mount Tangkuban Parahu and ancient Lake Bandung, the Sundanese have been living in the Parahyangan region of Java for at least 50,000 years.[citation needed]

Inland Sunda is mountainous and hilly, and until the 19th century, was thickly forested and sparsely populated. They traditionally lived in small and isolated hamlets, making control by indigenous courts difficult. The Sundanese, in contrast with the Javanese, traditionally engaged in dry-field farming. These factors resulted in the Sundanese having a less rigid social hierarchy and a more independent manner. In the 19th century, Dutch colonial exploitation opened up much of the interior for coffee, tea, and quinine production, and the highlands society took on a frontier aspect, further strengthening the individualistic Sundanese mindset.

Court cultures flourished in ancient times, for example, the Sunda Kingdom, however, the Sundanese appear not to have had the resources to construct large religious monuments similar to those in Central and East Java.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Javanese are an ethnic group native to the Indonesian island of Java. They are predominantly located in the central to eastern parts of the island. At 90 million people (as of 2004), it is the largest ethnic group on the island, and also in Indonesia.

Origin and distribution

Like most Indonesian ethnic groups, including the Sundanese of West Java, the Javanese are of Austronesian origins whose ancestors are thought to have originated in Taiwan, and migrated though the Philippines, reaching Java between 1,500BCE and 1,000BCE.[1]

The Javanese were traditionally concentrated in the provinces of East Java, Central Java and Yogyakarta, but due to migration within Indonesia (as part of government transmigration programs or otherwise) there are now high populations of Javanese people in almost all the Indonesian provinces. (The province of West Java is home to the Sundanese, Indonesia's second largest ethnic group who are ethnically distinct from the Javanese).

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Ketupat (not to be confused with Lontong) is a type of dumpling from Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines (where it is known by the name Patupat in Kapampangan. Puso in Cebuano, or Ta'mu in Tausug), made from rice that has been wrapped in a woven palm leaf pouch which is then boiled. As the rice cooks, the grains expand to fill the pouch and the rice becomes compressed. This method of cooking gives the ketupat its characteristic form and texture of a rice dumpling. Ketupat is usually eaten with rendang (a type of dry beef curry) or served as an accompaniment to satay. Ketupat is also traditionally served by Indonesians, Moros and Malays at open houses on festive occasions such as Idul Fitri (Hari Raya Aidilfitri). During Idul Fitri in Indonesia, ketupat is often served with chicken curry, accompanied with spicy soy powder. Among Filipinos, puso is also traditionally used as a pabaon or a mobile meal, traditionally brought by workers as a type of packed lunch, served with any selection of stews.

There are many varieties of ketupat, with two of the more common ones being ketupat nasi and ketupat pulut. Ketupat nasi is made from white rice and is wrapped in a square shape with coconut palm leaves while ketupat pulut is made from glutinous rice is usually wrapped in a triangular shape using the leaves of the fan palm (Licuala). Ketupat pulut is also called "ketupat daun palas" in Malaysia.

In Indonesia, ketupat sometimes boiled in thin coconut milk and spices to enhance the taste.

Local stories passed down through the generations have attributed the creation of this style of rice preparation to the seafarers' need to keep cooked rice from spoiling during long sea voyages. The coco leaves used in wrapping the rice are always shaped into a triangular form and stored hanging in bunches in the open air. The shape of the package facilitates moisture to drip away from the cooked rice while the coco leaves allow the rice to be aerated and at the same time prevent flies and insects from touching it.

In France, beef steak is usually served with French fried potatoes also known as "pommes frites", and the combination is known as "steak-frites". Vegetables are not normally served with steak in this manner, but a green salad may follow. In the United Kingdom they are also served with French fried potatoes although they are often thicker than the French variety and the combination is called Steak and Chips. Peas, half a tomato or a fried onion ring often feature on the plate too.

In Italy, steak was not widely eaten until post-WWII due to the relative ruggedness of the countryside inhibiting the space- and resource-consuming raising of great bovine herds, but some zones of Piedmont and Tuscany were still renowned for their beef. Bistecca alla fiorentina is a well-known specialty of Florence; it is typically served with just a salad or Tuscan beans. From the 1960s onward the so called "economic boom" allowed more and more Italians to switch to a red meat-heavy diet.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lontong (not to be confused with Ketupat) is an Asian dish made of compressed rice that is then cut into small cakes.

Popular in Indonesia and Malaysia, the dish is usually served cold or at room temperature with sauce-based dishes such as gado-gado and salads, although it can be eaten as an accompaniment to other dishes such as Satay and curries.

Lontong is traditionally made by partly cooking the rice and packing it tightly into a rolled-up banana leaf. The leaf is then secured and cooked in boiling water for about 90 minutes. Once it is cooled, the rice compacts and can be cut up into bite-sized pieces.

Alternative ways of cooking lontong include placing uncooked rice into a muslin bag then letting the water seep in and cause the rice to form a solid mass (Ingram, 2003).

Lontong is a popular slang word used by Indonesia leading IT company in order to describe useless people, who never give any value.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Satay or sate is a dish consisting of chunks or slices of dice-sized meat (chicken, goat, mutton, beef, pork, fish, etc.) on bamboo skewers (although the more authentic version uses skewers from the midrib of the coconut leaf). These are grilled or barbecued over a wood or charcoal fire, then served with various spicy seasonings (depends on satay recipe variants).

Satay may have originated in Java, Indonesia, but it is also popular in many other Southeast Asian countries, such as: Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, as well as in The Netherlands which was influenced through its former colonies.

Satay is a very popular delicacy in Indonesia and Malaysia, with a rich variety among Indonesia’s diverse ethnic groups’ culinary art (see Cuisine of Indonesia). In Indonesia, satay can be obtained from a traveling satay vendor, from a street-side tent-restaurant, in an upper-class restaurant, or during traditional celebration feasts. In Malaysia, satay is a popular dish - especially during celebrations - and can be found throughout the country. A close analog in Japan is yakitori. Shish kebab from Turkey, Chuanr from China and sosatie from South Africa are also similar to satay.

Although recipes and ingredients vary from country to country, satay generally consists of chunks or slices of meat on bamboo or coconut-leaf-spine skewers, grilled over a wood or charcoal fire. Turmeric is a compulsory ingredient used to marinate satay and to give it a characteristic yellow color, especially for Beef, Chicken, Mutton and Pork. Meats used include: beef, mutton, pork, venison, fish, shrimp, squid, chicken, and even tripe. Some have also used more exotic meats, such as turtle, crocodile, and snake meat.

It may be served with a spicy peanut sauce dip, or peanut gravy, slivers of onions and cucumbers, and ketupat (rice cakes).

Pork satay can be served in a pineapple-based satay sauce or cucumber relish. An Indonesian version uses a soy-based dip.

Satay is not the same as the Vietnamese condiment, “Sate”, which typically includes ground chili, onion, tomato, shrimp, oil, and nuts. Vietnamese sate is commonly served alongside noodle and noodle-soup dishes.